Friday, 23 April 2010

Entrepreneurs 10, Managers 0

One of the insights over the past 2 years is that in times of uncertainty entrepreneurs create opportunities where managers see threats and problems.

It is possible to grow a business even in a recession if you have an entrepreneur driving the business. The time to take risks is now but most businesses go the other way which is why they decline.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

The UK needs a Strategy!

What can we learn from the general election campaign so far?

Firstly, no party has a strategy for the country. So all we get are feeble attempts at vote catching tactics. Come on politicians learn from business!

Job 1 - Get a strategy, everything else will fall into place.

Politicians have not got one so here is mine to help them:

Mission: To put the Great back into Britain

* All debts repaid in 5 years
* World leaders in 'X' industries
* Health service the envy of the world
* The Education system in the top 3 in the world
* Everybody has the chance to become the best they can be
* Public sector productivity up by 25%
* We treat all people with dignity and respect

Would you vote for it?

Friday, 9 April 2010

Send this Blog to your Parliamentary Candidates - Save the UK!

The UK is currently caught up in election fever..... well the politicians and media mob are.....

If any politian bothered to listen to what people want from their leaders they would win easily. A major research study of followers showed that they wanted their leaders to be honest, inspirational and competent. On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 = awful, 10 = the best, how would we rate them?

Please send this blog to your local parlimentary candidates and lets see if we can get some half decent leaders, God knows we need them!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

The Hull Entrepreneurs Forum

I have been working with some of the regions most successful entrepreneurs to set up an organisation which will create significant wealth and jobs in the Yorkshire region.

The Forum will be showcased at the Yorkshire International Business Convention in Bridlington w/c 7th June 2010. Here are the details:

The Hull Entrepreneurs Forum presents…… For Entrepreneurs Only……

Can entrepreneurship be learnt? David Hall thinks so……

In this unique event you will learn how to:

- Think and act like an entrepreneur
- Use the entrepreneurial mindset to grow your business
- Top up your energy, which may have been drained by ‘energy vampires’

Three of Hull’s most successful entrepreneurs will share their experiences of growing successful businesses. One is a serial entrepreneur, another grew a business, failed, started again and recreated success and the third grew the UK’s most successful business in their sector.

This will be a high energy participative event where you can get answers to your business questions you could get from nowhere else. You can also meet members of the Hull Entrepreneurial Exchange and find out whether you have what it takes to join this prestigious group of entrepreneurs.

UK Plc

Our recent research clearly demonstrates that 90% of business problems can be traced back to poor management, not the economy, competitors or even Gordon Brown..... But it is not the individual manager's fault. It is a system that operates from the assumptions that no preparation is thought necessary and that people get promoted because they are good at something else! No other profession holds these assumptions.

The answer? Select managers because they have the necessary qualities and provide them with the models, methods and skills to manage effectively.

What a difference this could make to UK Plc.....