Wednesday 3 November 2010

How will you measure your life?

Once in a while you read an article that makes you think deeply about what you are doing. One that stopped me in my tracks recently was by Clayton Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School. The article 'How will you measure your life'? appears in the July - August 2010 edition page 46 - 51 of the HBR. In the article Christensen argues we need a strategy for our lives just as we do for our business. He poses these questions which he attempts to answer:

1. How can I be sure I will be happy in my career?

2. How can I ensure my relationships with my family become an enduring source of happiness?

3. How can I stay out of jail?

The final question may sound a bit lighthearted but it isn't. Christensen taught, amongst others at Harvard, Jeff Shilling of Enron fame......

I recommend this article to you and hope it makes the kind of impression on you that it did me.

Let me know what you think.


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