Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Let's nail leadership once and for all.........

The use of the word leadership has grown exponentially in the media over the past 10 years but there appears to be many definitions of what it is....... Does it matter? I believe so because teams, organisations, countries and even national football teams depend for their success on effective leadership.

So here goes......

Management is about making the organisation work. Do what it says on the can - results to expectations. Leadership is about making things better, changing, improving, developing things - results beyond expectations.

Leadership is not about personality, style, process or behaviour it is about results beyond expectations.

So there, leadership. Done.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Delivering results or just ticking boxes

One phenomenon I see regularly when working as a consultant on projects with client's staff is that only a small percentage of people have the drive to actually achieve results.

Many people on projects come together, analyse a business issue, produce an action plan and then do nothing.......

Only about 5% of people have the fire in their eyes to take personal responsibility for achieving success. The rest go through the motions, say the right things and tick all the boxes except one: DELIVERING RESULTS.

When you find the deliverers in your business treat them like heroes for they are worth their weight in gold!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Reflecting on 30 years as a Consultant

Recently I had to write an 'experience CV' for the Yorkshire Region Entrepreneurs Group which I facilitate.

When I reflected on 30 years as a consultant I surprised myself at what I have actually done..... Here it is:

• Starting, growing and selling a 150 person business.
• Helping Keepmoat Ltd grow from £25 million to £750 million over 30 years.
• Facilitating business strategy with many Boards including Lafarge, EWS and Johnson Matthey.
• Entrepreneurial business development with Oracle, Hanson and Yorkshire Post.
• Helping over 150 businesses to achieve their growth aspirations.
• Improving profits significantly through efficiency projects.
• Selecting and building top teams.
• Turning round several businesses.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

For Entrepreneurs Only.....

For Entrepreneurs Only facilitated a great meeting of the 50 most successful entrepreneurs in the Yorkshire region. The entrepreneurs are tired of pulbic sector faliure to do anything positive to stimulate the economy of the region and so have decided to do something about it as a group themeselves.

Real energy and comittment to do something positive....... and make a real difference.

Watch this space...........

Friday, 4 June 2010

Breakthrough in Assessing Entrepreneurial Talent

Great News! The Entrepreneurial Potential Report (see www.savilleconsulting.com) now enables you to objectively assess for the first time ever entrepreneurial talent.

Who should be interested?

People thinking of starting a business and want to be sure they have what it takes.

Investors who can assess business plans to two places of decimals but have to take a guess at the people.

Organisations wanting to identify the 10% of their people who have the capacity to innovate and transform their business.

This is a major breakthrough - check it out! Or contact David Hall Consultancy Ltd on 01430 425541 for more details.