Thursday 3 February 2011

Getting into the Zone

Peak performance in any activity comes when people are in the zone. This is the optimal mental state which the sports world has known about for years but it is relatively unknown or discussed in the field of management and business. So here goes.....

My research into successful entrepreneurs which led to the identification of the Entrecode (how entrepreneurs start and build great businesses) identified the key factors of being in the zone in business.

Positive Mental Attitude - seeing the cup half full and staying positive at all times.

Recovery from setbacks - being able to use setbacks as rocket fuel to propel performance forward. Not getting deflated which shows in body language and negative self talk (Andy Murray please note).

Persistence - keeping going through adversity.

Focus - keeping the priorities in mind and not getting distracted (not multi tasking!).

Action Orientated - just doing it and getting on with things.

Drive - this comes from early life experiences that lead people to want to succeed to show people they are OK!

The good news is that all of these apart from drive can be coached, but how often are they on the curriculum of MBAs or business courses? Usually never, so we are not training people for peak performance in business.

So wake up universities, colleges, consultants and trainers and start adding real value to people and business.

By the way, you can tell when you have been 'in the zone' because you will have been totally focused, accomplished a great deal and when you look at your watch you will be surprised how the time has flown.

There, getting in the zone - done!


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