Goal Directed Energy
One of the many myths about being an entrepreneur is all you need is passion, energy and obsessive commitment and you will succeed........ but this is only half of the equation.
Successful entrepreneurs direct their passion, energy and commitment like a laser beam focused on moving towards their vision. The vision is always the entrepreneurial process:
1. Find a customer problem
2. Create a solution
3. Sell it to the world
Passion and energy unfocused is like a man without reason..... a busy fool. So here is the entrepreneurial recipe for success:
1. Find a customer problem, create a solution and sell it to the world.
2. Create a vision for what this looks like as a successful business.
3. Focus all you energies and resources onto delivering your vision.
4. Stay goal directed, don't get detracted by energy vampires.
That's it. Job done!
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