Thursday 5 May 2011

Lessons from Football

Recently I listened to Johan Cruyff explain why he believes Barcelona F.C. are a stronger team than Real Madrid. His view is that Barcelona take a broad stakeholder stance seeing themselves a part of the community including sponsoring UNESCO. Whereas Real Madrid, particularly under Jose Mourinho, are only really interested in winning in any way and almost at any cost. Football, Cruyff argues, is not simply about winning, it should have a more noble purpose including being fun, pleasing fans, contributing to the community and be played in a sporting manner.

"The European Cup semi final was watched by billions of people worldwide and footballers and managers have a responsibility to behave in a proper manner and be role models for young people" said Cruyff. "Barcelona is for the people, Real currently is about Mourinho's personal ego".

The lesson for me from listening to Cruyff was that it reminded me that a business has a responsibility to balance its stakeholder interests, customers, employees, and society as well as shareholders - the Barcelona way. Just making money for shareholders and banks is much less noble or inspiring.

Barcelona demonstrates it is not either noble purpose or success - you can have both.


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