Friday 11 February 2011

How Entrepreneurs Solve Problems

Entrepreneurs solve problems well because they are options thinkers. If plan A does not work they can quickly develop a plan B then C and D....... 80% of the rest of the population are procedural thinkers and require a process to follow to solve problems; if their process does not work they are stuck.... until somebody gives them another process to follow.

So, how does entrepreneurial options thinking actually work and can it be learnt?

Option 1: I have done this before so I will do it again. If that fails ......

Option 2: Ask somebody in my network who knows. If that fails.......

Option 3: I will ask somebody who might know somebody.... If that fails......

Option 4: Just try something and learn from it then adjust next time. If that fails......

Option 5: Outsource it to somebody else.

The keys are above:

1. Having a strong network

2. Being persistent and being able to recover from setbacks

3. Taking personal responsibility for results.

These requirements can be built and learnt.


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