Monday 21 March 2011

Building your Business's Capability

The three key drivers of entrepreneurship are creating opportunities, marshalling resources and building capability. In this blog I want to focus on building the capability of a business.

The job of the CEO or owner is to set the strategy and pick the people capable of delivering it. Getting the right people on the bus is step 1 in building capability yet it is one which appears to be a problem.

The issue is that too often people are appointed to key roles without the skills, experience or drive to deliver, primarily because they are low cost but actually a low cost resource in a key role who cannot deliver is a false economy. It is why small businesses stay small, they do not have the capabilities to grow.

The second step in building capability is to design a preferred culture - the way you want things done here. You get a culture whether you want one or not but if you don't design it you will get one by default - usually one you don't want! (This is worthy of a separate blog).

Finally, you need to operate as a learning organisation and ensure that learnings are built into your business practices and routines. Whenever you do anything you get one of two outcomes; success or learning, and in growing businesses learnings should be viewed as valuable assetts.

There, building capabilities, done!


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